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How can I check out the freight?


How can I check out the freight?


There are two methods for you to check out the shipping costs.
1) One of them is to enter the shopping cart after you have chosen a good product, and then click on the "Estimate Shipping" button.

After clicking “Estimate Shipping”, you will see the page as shown below.
You can choose country by your own, system will display delivery times and transportation costs of two different shipping methods.

2) Another way is to click "Go To Checkout" directly after confirming the products are correct.

After clicking "Go To Checkout", you will see the page as shown below.
You need to confirm the address is correct, system will display delivery times and transportation costs of two different shipping methods.
You can refer to them to choose the shipping method you want.

This question was added to our store on Thursday 04 August, 2011.